Home » Idili and Sandan roast (Idili ani sandan bhajinae)

Idili and Sandan roast (Idili ani sandan bhajinae)

Idili and Sandan roast is a dish usually prepared out of left over idili’s and sandan. It can be had as an 4’0 clock dish as well. Children like it very much. Idili and Sandan roast can be had with sambar, chutney, ambya ukkari, thiksani humman, polya pitto etc. it is a filling, healthy and nutritious dish.

If you do not know how to prepare Sandan then chek out my recipe on its preparation by clicking here Sandan.


You need

  • Left over idili’s/Snadhan
  • Oil for roasting
Left over Idili and sandan
A) Idili B) Sandan


Slice the left over idili’s/sandan into two halves as shown in the photograph.

Sliced Idili's
Sliced idili’s

Smear a tawa or dosa pan with oil.

Place the sliced idili’s/sandan over it as shown in photograph.

Apply little oil on top of the slices as well along the sides.

Idili, sandan on tawa and oil applied
A) Idili on tawa B) Sandan on tawa C) Oil applied to Sandan slices

Roast on medium flame till golden brown in color.

Roast till golden brown
A) Idili roasted to golden brown B) Sandan roasted to golden brown

Flip over and roast the other side as well till golden brown.

Your Idili and Sandan roast is ready.

Idili and Sandan roast
A) Idili roast B) Sandan Roast

Serve warm with hot steaming sambar or chutney, ambya ukari, polya pitto or thiksani humman.


Instead of using oil you can even use ghee to roast the idili’s/sandan slices.

It is not necessary to slice the whole idili’s/ sandan. You can even roast them as such.

Karthyayani Pai (Padma)

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