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Methiyae Sukkaein

Methiyae Sukkaein

Methiyae sukkaein is usually served as a side dish along with rice. This is a delicacy among Konkani’s and you will rarely find a temple Samaradhana (Brahman Bhojan) or a wedding or upanayanam or any other function without this dish….

Besan Undo/ Besan Laddo

Besan Undo/ Besan Laddo

Besan Undo/ Besan Laddo is actually a Maharastrian dish. But we Konkani’s also prepare this dish and has become a part of our festival and functions. It is one of the item’s that you get in the packet after a weeding or upanayanam feast. It has also taken its place in ‘Pumsavanam’ (or Baby shower) ceremony.

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