Home » Instant 4’ 0 clock dishes (Instant phovu, layi and charmooro kalaylolo)

Instant 4’ 0 clock dishes (Instant phovu, layi and charmooro kalaylolo)

Instant 4’ 0 clock dishes tells about instant phovu, layi and charmooro kalaylolo. These are simple recipes usually prepared as a 4’0 clock dish. Of these ‘Phovu’ is called as beaten rice, ‘Layi’ is called as popped rice and ‘Charmuro’ is called as Puffed rice in English. It is a healthy and nutritious dish. It can be prepared and given to children after they come back from school. For beaten rice you can use either the red or the white rice flakes (Phova). The red one is said to have more nutrients in it compared to the white one. In all the recipes the basic ingredient is jaggery, coconut and elaich. Addition of salt is not necessary as all the three rice preparations have salt in it.


You need

For Instant Phovu kalaylolo

  • 1 cup phovu
  • 2 to 3 tbspns of grated jaggery
  • ½ cup grated coconut
  • 2 to 3 numbers of cardamom/ elaichi (Powder and use)

Method For Instant Phovu kalaylolo

Take phova in a large wide mouth bowl and keep aside.

Take jaggery, coconut and cardamom in another mixing bowl and mix thoroughly.

jaggery, coconut and cardamom taken in a mixing bowl for preparation of Instant 4’ 0 clock dishes Phovu kalaylolo

Add phova to the jaggery, coconut cardamom mixture and mix well by using hands. Apply pressure with your hands so as to soften the phova (If needed you can sprinkle 2 to 3 tbspns of lukewarm water to the mixture. This is done to soften the phova easily).

Mixing after adding the phova

Your instant phovu kalaylolo is ready to be served

phovu kalaylolo is ready to be served as an Instant 4’ 0 clock dishes

You can add gingili seeds (as optional) to your phovu kalaylolo. For that you have to first ghee roast a few gingili seeds and then add to the phovu kalaylolo. It gives an additional taste to the dish.

Serve immediately

Instant layi kalaylali

The ingredients and method remain the same as that in Phovu kalaylolo . The difference is that layi has to be added to the coconut, jaggery and cardamom mixture only while serving. Or else layi will become too much soft and will start sticking to your teeth while eating. For layi you need not have to apply pressure while mixing as layi in itself is soft and not tough and coarse like phova. You can even use a spoon for mixing.

Instant layi kalaylali ready to be served as an instant 4'0 clock dishes

Instant charmuro kalaylolo

The ingredients and method remain the same as that in Phovu kalaylolo . The difference is that charmuro has to be added to the coconut, jaggery and cardamom mixture only while serving. Or else charmuro will become too much soft and will start sticking to your teeth while eating. For charmuro you need not have to apply pressure while mixing as charmuro in itself is soft and not tough and coarse like phova. You can even use a spoon for mixing.

Instant charmooro kalaylolo ready to be served as a instant 4'0 clock dishes

Instant layi and phovu kalaylolo

This is same as how they are prepared separately. The only difference is to the phovu kalaylolo mix you add the layi only while serving.

Instant layi and phovu kalaylolo is ready to be served


You can add cardamom essence instead of powder.

To increase the richness of the dish you can add ghee roasted raisins, kishmish, cashewnuts or even peanuts.

The dish can also be prepared by adding sugar instead of jaggery. But remember jaggery has more nutritious value than sugar. Instead of adding lukewarm water to soften the phova you can add boiled and cooled milk or even coconut milk. This will increase the taste and flavour of the dish.

Karthyayani Pai (Padma)

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